Check out the Study Guide above! Crafted by PWC Dramaturg Jeremy Stoller, featuring artist interviews, project timeline, behind-the-scenes details, and movement/writing prompts for anyone interested in digging deeper into our process.

About DJ Apollo

Drawing inspiration from the myths of Apollo, George Balanchine’s Apollo ballet, and the god-like power of a disc jockey perched high above a dance club, DJ Apollo is the newest work in development with Pioneer Winter Collective, set to premiere in April 2025. Balanchine staged a visit between a young Apollo and three Muses; we are uniting a young queer dancer with three queer elders, to explore who and how we worship in the queer community, the memories that lift and haunt us, and the lessons which we have the power to share or have yet to learn. Interweaving decades of queer musical anthems, Stravinsky’s score to the Apollo ballet, and spoken text generated from the biographies of the performers and their mentors, DJ Apollo is a powerful intergenerational reckoning with the wisdom and innocence, strength and fragility, physical and spiritual beauty we contain as individuals and as a community.
