Pie Solo
Originally commissioned in 2013 by the Miami Theater Center to inaugurate its SandBox Contemporary Series, PIE SOLO is Pioneer Winter's first solo work. A 60-minute reinterpretation of the 'one-man show', Pioneer Winter examines faith in religion and culture from the vantage points of sexuality, age, and queerness. Video installation, tap dancing, and stripping draw the audience into an intimate and interactive dialogue blending humor, isolation, and anecdote.
Pioneer Winter calls his multimedia work PIE SOLO a “quarter-life” interpretation of the classic one-man show, to which he added an updated, personal touch to engage a contemporary mature audience. “While in traditional one-man shows, the performer regales the audience with humorous anecdotes, snappy dance routines, and music, my take is slightly darker and sexual, although there are funny moments,” says Winter. “In PIE SOLO, I combine anecdotes, tap and contemporary dance, and music to illustrate the story of a young performer who straddles the line between exhaustion and exhilaration.”
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review - miami new times - in pie solo, pioneer winter strips and self-flagellates
review - miami herald (print) and artburst (online) - pie solo takes worthwhile risks
preview - knight arts blog - pioneer winter's first solo performance at mtc
“Pioneer Winter’s PIE SOLO is a raw, vulnerable performance piece that showcases his wit, sense of timing, and most importantly, his willingness to challenge himself and his audience. One of Miami’s most prolific dance artists, Winter consistently delivers thought-provoking explorations of gender and sexuality, among other human questions. This piece is no exception.”
“...projected media and live performance, the true heart of this piece lives in the interactive dialogue, when Winter shares those intimate stories, a quarter-life of defending just being ‘other.’”
“Portraying himself, Winter delivers his text in a frank, sincere tone. He neither falls on his sword, nor does he hide from the audience […] Winter’s tap dancing skills transcend performance and create a rich metaphor […] Pioneer Winter’s charismatic presence and the show’s moments of clarity and humor make for an interesting performance.”