Returning Soon
Returning Soon 〰️
werqshop coin
Provide a common space for queer performers and drag artists to rehearse and share.
Free rehearsal space and the experiences of others.
Invest in the craft and technique of queer performers and drag artists by matching performance pay.
Continue elevating queer performance art in South Florida.
werqshop join
Fridays 12:00 - 2:00 pm at Miami Theater Center (in Sandbox studio to the right of the main entrance)
Werqshop Join invites individuals in the dance, drag, and queer performance community to take class with Pioneer Winter Collective. The Collective does not hold formal auditions, so this is an opportunity to take a free movement class and get a sense of the company ethos; although, there is no expectation that taking a class obligates someone to joining. Every Werqshop Join begins with warm-up, structured improvisation, static and traveling patterns, and choreography.
Pioneer Winter Collective’s weekly Werqshop photographed by Lisa Nalven (March 2019).